Katja Seitajoki
Skymningsfåglar (Birds of Twilight) is a sound- and movementinstallation where we explore darkness and the purpose of the night for everything living. Its an experience where the audience gets to experience the diminishing of light and how the world of darkness takes over. We work with the playful activity that happens in nature when humans usually is asleep.
We are transposed by the soundscape to the dark nature where eyes and ears, antennas and other body parts experience ous in the night. Our contours become vague in the dark and the surroundings seeps in to us. Movement from bats, moisture, wind and glowworms conntect and leads our bodies through the infinite circle of life in nature. We speculate how it is to be an animal, a plant or a bug with skills specifically adapted for the darkness.
During our times of consumption, light pollution, climate changes do we contemplate the darkness and asks ourselfs, what is humanity in the dim dark nature.
We create beautiful and cruel images through movement, text, sound by following the “more-than-human” into the dark.
Concept and choreography: Katja Seitajoki in collaboration with the dancers
Dancers: Lisen Ellard, Noah Hellwig and Ellen Söderhult
Composer: Tomas Björkdal and Lena Swanberg
Costume: Maline Casta
Text: Alexandra Loonin
Seamstress: Lotta Danfors
Light sculpture constructure: Rolf Schuurmans
Light: Mira Svanberg
Production: Arena Baubo
Jag är som skogen fast annorlunda

Jag är som skogen fast annorlunda (I am like the forest but different) is a theatre and dance performance for 4-6 year olds set inside and about the forest and the creatures that inhabit it. Its a fun and playful work made by Katja Seitajoki that I had the pleasure to be part in creating and performing in.
The performance opens the senses of its audience. It is a playful experience in nature that invokes thoughts on humans and animals way to live in nature. Music, sound and dance create magical meetings between childrend and nature. Through movement and play the children will meet the forest in unusual ways and find new perspectives on its magical treasures.
The performance was made in 2021 in collaboration with Weld, Art Lab Gnesta, Gula Villan och Skeppsholmsstudion. With support from Kulturrådet and Region Stockholm.
Concept and Choreography: Katja Seitajoki in collaboration with the dancers.
Dancers: Noah Hellwig, Destiny af Kleen and Katja Seitajoki.
Composer: Tomas Björkdal.
Costume: Maline Casta
Text: Katja Seitajoki
Photo: José Figueroa
Production: Arena Baubo