Dialects/Dialogues at Oslo Early!

I will perform Dialects/Dialogues together with Valerie Lauer as Nordic Boroque Dancers together with the fantastic music group Ritratto dell’Amore led by Tormod Dalen during Oslo Early music festival on the 26/th of Oct 2019!

We'll be the dancing baroque dance and offbaroque dance choreographies Les Character de la Danse by Marie-Geneviève Massé and Récréation by Karin Modigh & Noah Hellwig.

Photo by Hannah Hellwig.  Edited by Karin Modigh.

Photo by Hannah Hellwig.
Edited by Karin Modigh.


Rehearsals of Multiplex Realities

Multiplex Realities will be part of ICE HOT Nordic Dance Platform in Reykjavik on the 13th and 14th of December. http://www.icehotnordicdance.com/performance/multiplex-realities/

So now we’re doing the last bits of rehearsals before leaving for set-up on wednesday!
Come see me and my lovely team of Disa Krosness (who will be performing) and Miranda Abrahamsson (who have created the musik for the piece).

We would like to thank c.off and Weld for studio support and Konstnärsnämnden for support for our travels.

Frictional Realities @ Riksteatern Residency



working at Riksteatern with the project Frictional Realities together with the fantastical Asreen Rostami, Disa Krosness, Gabriel Widing and Leo Låby. 

We're exploring new ways to work and create new tools for developing experiences which combine with scenic practices with virtual reality (VR). 

Visit our first public test during Scenkonst 18 at Riksteatern 2-3 of June 2018. 

With support from Riksteatern and Stockholm Stad
