Tomas Rajnaj
Tomas Rajnaj invited me as one of the artists to write and perform a speech for his festival Svenska Tal (Swedish Speeches) at the venue Fylkingen, in Stockholm early summer 2022. The idea of the festival came from a desire to hear different artists ideas about the future. This desire came as a reaction to the coming Swedish election that was due later same year and where Tomas wanted to hear artists speak about the future instead of only hearing politicians visions.
Each artist was invited to write and in some way present or perform their speech.
I wrote and performed the speech Deep-fake-future - Hur dansen kan rädda sanningen (Deep-fake-future - How the dance can save the truth). A mix between performance lecture on Deep-fakes and imaginative speculations about the future. The speech explores how the field of dance and choreography can become a sollution to problems politics will receive from deep-fake technologies. By enforcing that all politicians makes a dance-of-the-day as a choreographic watermark during all their speeches, dance will become a physically embodied and aestetical sollution to problems created by technology. The speech further develops what kind of cultural implications this has on the role of artists and politicians in the future.
To get hold of the book, check here.
Artists/Speech writers: Isabel Cruz Liljegren, Susanne Drakborg, Mohamed El Abed, Jenny Sunesson, Noah Hellwig, Lisa Montan, Tanya Byrne, Dimen Abdulla, Björn Vårsjö, Lisen Ellard, Jenny Nordmark & Martin Vogel.
Editor: Tomas Rajnai
Text: Lisa Carlsson
Book Design: Leon&Chris
Publisher: Scenkonstkompaniet O
Pub Year: 2023