Trace Evidence

Trace Evidence was initiated by Floating Pictures as part of the project Trace of Light. It is an interdisciplinary artistic project working with visual tracking technology, live projections and contemporary dance and performance.

The projects took base from the visual tracking programming developed by Ingvar Sjöberg, and the research Floating Pictures had done earlier with the project Trace of Light. From there we expanded upon the idea of the visal-tracking technology projecting “traces of light” onto the walls, into exploring a broader sense of the term traces. Travelling through different kinds of forensic sciences, witness interviews and murder mysteries we started to draw real and fake connections with the choreography between humans, voices, bodies, ropes, images, lamps, projections and technologies into a collage that seemed to speak about the trace of something ephemeral. We try to tape shadows onto the wall hoping that they will stay. Moving through memories of memories that we try to manifest physically. Constructing a web of traces, light, ropes, shadows and bodies where the lines of what is what start to blur. Following the heat signature of another body we push our censorial limits to feel the human traces in the air. The piece slowly morphs through aspects and relations between the technology, lights and bodies into an abstract puzzle that we are not sure if we can solve alone.


Initiator, Producer and Sound design: Frida Wikström.
Choreography: Noah Hellwig in collaboration with Adam Seid Tahir.
Dance and Performance: Adam Seid Tahir and Noah Hellwig.
Programming and visual art design: Ingvar Sjöberg.
Costume and Lamp design: Felix Roll.
Administration: Smart Produktionshus.